Oanda fxTrade on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Linux)


Staff member
UPDATE: This method is no longer current or applicable as Oanda has moved fxTrade to be just a desktop app, and the Oracle Java repo listed no longer is supported. Please see the followup posted here for a modern way of using fxTrade on Ubuntu or Debian:

I just updated my Lenovo x120e to Ubuntu 14.04 replacing Windows 7.

In doing so, I noticed that the default Java implementation (OpenJDK/IceTea) didn't include a browser plugin, and worse, once I installed the browser plugin, it failed on some Java based apps I need to run.

Namely: Oanda's fxTrade

So, for anyone out there who made the jump to Linux (especially all you Windows XP refugees,) here's a few quick steps to getting Oanda's fxTrade running well on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

First up, we need to install the Oracle version of Java:

We can go through the hassle of downloading the software right from Oracle and going through a more complicated install (their software packages are generic and need a little configuration to get installed on Ubuntu,) or, we can just grab a handy repository that will pre-package Java for us (including all needed fonts and browser plugins) and keep us updated as new releases come out.

For that, I found some instructions here:

Which basically tells you to do this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

The above adds webupd8team's java repository to your Ubuntu installation. Then does a quick software update and finally installs the new Oracle java package.

After this is run, without even having to restart your browser, the default Java used will be from Oracle and you shouldn't have any future issues with compatibility. (But do try restarting your web browser if it doesn't work right off the bat.)

Here's fxTrade launched from Chrome running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

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Jack said:
I just updated my Lenovo x120e to Ubuntu 14.04 replacing Windows 7......

Why? (free is not a good reason!!)

In all seriousness, I made the decision some time ago to ditch Linux client (and Mac OS) and stick with Windows 7. Just not worth the incompatibility pain, although I'm very pro open source, hence loath Mac OS for two reasons as well as on principle. The Vista nightmare originally prompted me to move to Linux. Win 7 moved me back.

Windows 7 is now the new XP. Omnipresent !!
rod178 said:
Why? (free is not a good reason!!)

In all seriousness, I made the decision some time ago to ditch Linux client (and Mac OS) and stick with Windows 7. Just not worth the incompatibility pain, although I'm very pro open source, hence loath Mac OS for two reasons as well as on principle. The Vista nightmare originally prompted me to move to Linux. Win 7 moved me back.

Windows 7 is now the new XP. Omnipresent !!

Well, "free" would be moot given the laptop already had Win7 pro on it. I also have no reservations or biases toward or against open source...

It was more of a workflow and personal preference thing. I've used Linux since 2001, and it was a huge aid during my IT career. I mean, with the exception of the years I spent back in school while switching my career into the financial world (school forced me to take up Windows again,) Linux has always been my main workhorse and personal OS of choice.

Not out of any sense of geek or open source pride though.. I can't stress that enough. Some of the fanatics (especially the type that feels superior to others just because they use Linux or [insert open source software here],) do nothing but annoy me. I just aim to use what fits me best and gets the job done all the same.

You're right though, Windows 7 is decent. I'm not trying to advocate people ditch 7 for Linux.. not at all.. stick with 7 if you have it and you're accustomed to Windows in general.
Tansen said:
That explains why they said their doing some "upgrades" this weekend.


But FXGears does run on a linux server that I built out myself floating around in Amazon's cloud.. none of this 'turn key' / packaged LAMP stack or shared hosting deals for me; I get my hands dirty and I enjoy it thank you very much. :p
im a novice with ubuntu 14 and have never installed software outside of the ubuntu software center. Can you tell me what installer to use to get the fxtrade package to run?
Glad you got it working, did you follow the above instructions to install the latest Oracle Java?
Hello Jack, and all,

Thanks for the quick reply to my post about 40 mins ago. I just assumed you were in North America and would not be able to respond for 12 hours or more because of time diffs, and even then if you could spare the time.

I found your thread by a google search, and maybe I didn't wait long enough after registration before trying to reply to this thread. I couldn't find any "reply" buttons anywhere on the page.

I have been using the OANDA desktop platform on Win 7 for a few years now, and on earlier desktop platforms since 2003. But with Win 7 on its last legs, I am migrating to Lubuntu. And since my hardware is quite old I have opted for Lubuntu 16.04 LTS with the LXDE desktop.

I installed what I think is the latest version of Java. Then I downloaded the OANDA installer program and unpacked it - so I have fxTrade_installer.sh sitting in Downloads folder. I have tried various steps after that, many of which have made the OANDA icon appear on the desktop, but none have been able to make the icon able to launch to platform. Each time I try to use that icon to launch the platform I get the following error message:

Invalid desktop entry file: '/home/tom/Desktop/fxTrade.desktop'

I know this can work, because I had it humming a year or so on that very same hardware/software combo - but now I can't remember how I got it going?

Any suggestions would be very welcomed.


P.S. I vaguely that the installer program used to be published in a Win version etc, including one specifically for Linux. Now it seems it is just the one product for all operating systems. Is that correct?
The fxTrade.desktop file is just a shortcut. You should be able to open it up in a text editor and see the directory it points to (that is, where your fxTrade application is installed.)

Try running the app directly from the terminal with java. Does it error out or run correctly?
Thanks Jack, this is notepad contents for the shortcut:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=java -jar -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false /home/tom/.oanda/jar/fxTrade/fxTrade

I think there is a 'folder' whose directory is /home/tom/jar ... but I can't open it to see what files are in there ... and I definitely can't find a 'folder' whose directory is /home/tom/.oanda/ etc

I think that means I cant be sure the executable file is even installed yet, doesn't it? So, I suspect that means I can't try starting via the terminal either?
java -jar -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false /home/tom/.oanda/jar/fxTrade/fxTrade

Based on that output, take this line above and execute it in a terminal window.

Tell us what happens
Also, .oanda (like any folder with "." infront) is a hidden folder, so a regular file browser will hide it by default. You Linux home directory is likely full of folders like this. No biggy.
java -jar -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false /home/tom/.oanda/jar/fxTrade/fxTrade

Based on that output, take this line above and execute it in a terminal window.

Tell us what happens
Thanks again Jack, here is the terminal activity:
tom@tom-eM350:~$ java -jar -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false /home/tom/.oanda/jar/fxTrade/fxTrade
The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:
* default-jre
* gcj-5-jre-headless
* openjdk-8-jre-headless
* gcj-4.8-jre-headless
* gcj-4.9-jre-headless
* openjdk-9-jre-headless
Try: sudo apt install <selected package>

I confess I don't understand any of that