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Good Afternoon Folks...

I trust your holiday was warm & memorable. Now, before I get into the meat of this rant let me be very clear. I am not swinging on some Ego fueled escapade or doing some test in patience for those waiting for my new series to release.

The truth is I had it complete. I have it complete. I will release it when I want to release it.
Why the change in gears? I know most, if not every single one of you, understand I have a real life. I am not exempt of personal trials and hardships. My wife's Mother is gravely ill. She has been rushed to the ER multiple times over the last few weeks. The most recent event happened in my wife's very arms as she entered a seizure as a result of no fluids and food. Chemo and radiation has put a hurting on her. My wife has had bouts of depression and anxiety during this time as one would naturally expect.

How do these things affect me as her husband? Do I go through the days and nights impervious to the effects and tolls this takes on my wife? What human would? Naturally, these weigh on me like anyone else. I've had a difficult time dealing with it all and make no bones about it.

It can be said I hyped the series up. I did in fact do that... as I believe it deserves it. Many of you know I am OCD and the idea that other "mentors" will take my material and change a name or title of a concept only to sell it when I make it free simply irked me.

Did I second guess whether to release it all together Christmas Eve? Yes, I did. However, I felt adding time references in the details & explanations would answer the no doubt future claims that ICT is rehashing some goobler's work. When, it's the opposite in most cases... as you recently witnessed in the "noble" one.

Now allow me to be open with you for a moment. My oldest Son has had several surgeries recently as well. Some that were more involved than he has endured prior. He's been out of his normal self with that and my wife’s Mother’s fight with two cancers. Did he join Babypips against my advice… sure. Did he see the pathetic losers invoke my name there in disdain… yes. I explained to him I feel no shame or hurt from the people over there. He wanted to “redeem” his Dad and found out quickly it’s more bullspit than it’s worth. Let me guess, everyone is entitled to his contributions too right?

My Son is not a spoiled young man Troy. To even read you speak of him disgusts me. My Son is more of a man at 19 years of age, than that of yourself Troy. I could lay waste to you in words and tear you limb from limb here… but what would that serve? Everyone that took the time to read your posts and excrement know completely who you are and what you lack. You didn’t unfollow me Troy, I blocked you from my account as you do not know when to pull the plug. I assisted you once again in that.

I see some familiar faces in here from Babypips and not surprisingly so I might add. Emotionally charged folks looking to toss a stone and look cool – just like the good ole days. ::Enter Ego:: - nothing you folks that want to sling mud at me with worries me. I still live the same life regardless of your efforts. Am I losing sales? Am I losing paid subscribers? Not that I can tell… and I don’t pay rent so where is your ammo? Shooting blanks at someone like me is pathetic. However, it is entertaining for me so as long as you have the energy… by all means… have at it!

Now where does this leave us? I am looking at releasing the videos intermittently. I might release the first Monday night. My advice, download them as I release them. I do not owe anyone anything nor do any of you need to kiss my backside, as some might suggest some do. My efforts in sharing are not the same as doing work in a neighborhood or community work. I’m giving of my time with a self-serving purpose… I made that abundantly clear in 2010. This entire endeavor was to see how each of you would react, use and not use it. How easily folks forget.

I have already stated I am done teaching after this batch of material. I will not have another supply of “secret insights” held back for a later rising. I’ve grown tired of the ignorant, entitled and impatient people that won’t ever make it in this business regardless of what I teach or anyone else for that matter!

I love how those same people refer to my work as hindsight when I detail it before the fact and this never gets mentioned. For those who believe these flakes, I suggest you reread and revisit what was presented.

Lastly, if you are one of the folks that are offended by my not releasing the material on the time I stated… and you are angry. Ask yourself this question… did you really alter your entire schedule on the basis of a video series release date? It is a video series folks, a Video… not a live performance that won’t have the capabilities to be replayed and studied. To sit down to a computer and cry about not getting a video from a person who – by your own admission hasn’t taught you anything yet – is the very definition of insane!

I believe I have taught you folks something… some of you aren’t equipped to Trade for emotional/psychological barriers that no Mentor can overcome for you. I’m not looking for “likes” or thumbs ups on this post. I just wanted to get the truth on the matter spoken. This is my work and how I want it capsulated is my, not some community servant or internet troll’s, prerogative. Expensive… just like I promised.

I'm not sure what to make of you any more bud. Not saying that in a derogatory manner. No one's made you put release dates on your video's. You did. Then you don't follow through with them. You'd be much better and would solve 90% of the issues with people if you just hyped your videos without release dates attached... I'm sorry for your troubles with family, they sound very troubling. That aside...Any concept that people find value in will most likely get another name and then monetized. It's just the nature of Forex material. If you wanted your name to be PINNED to a concept you should of done like Tom Denmark or John Bollinger and made a book and sold it. You chose to come out with your information freely and your surprised people are trying to reformat it and sell it? :/ Your smarter then that... Obviously hindsight is 2020. I give you credit that your concepts require patience and anticipation. They are strong concepts. After reading all the comments from the trolls I understand that it must be frustrating to deal with them, but like you said your not losing any monetary value from them so why even a response??? Especially if what they say doesn't matter and you know that you can't help them even if you wanted to due emotional/psychological barriers?

Anyways... Time for a Green Beer as I wait for your release...But I'm sure it wont happen on Monday and it'll just spark more hidden anger because you missed that Release date too...
Thanks Michael. I don't understand this cult following, and why these people think that you owe them anything. It's cringeworthy.

I hope you and your family have better days soon. :)
joepippin said:
I'm not sure what to make of you any more bud. Not saying that in a derogatory manner. No one's made you put release dates on your video's. You did. Then you don't follow through with them. You'd be much better and would solve 90% of the issues with people if you just hyped your videos without release dates attached... I'm sorry for your troubles with family, they sound very troubling. That aside...Any concept that people find value in will most likely get another name and then monetized. It's just the nature of Forex material. If you wanted your name to be PINNED to a concept you should of done like Tom Denmark or John Bollinger and made a book and sold it. You chose to come out with your information freely and your surprised people are trying to reformat it and sell it? :/ Your smarter then that... Obviously hindsight is 2020. I give you credit that your concepts require patience and anticipation. They are strong concepts. After reading all the comments from the trolls I understand that it must be frustrating to deal with them, but like you said your not losing any monetary value from them so why even a response??? This is my work and how I want it capsulated is my, not some community servant or internet troll’s, prerogative. Especially if what they say doesn't matter and you know that you can't help them even if you wanted to due emotional/psychological barriers?

Anyways... Time for a Green Beer as I wait for your release...But I'm sure it wont happen on Monday and it'll just spark more hidden anger because you missed that Release date too...
I might release the first Monday night
Absolutely wishing you and your family our prayers.

Most of us out here are normal people (more or less in my case) who appreciate all that you've done and if you never release another video, are already grateful more than we can say. I've had several sources for my learning, but I have gained by far the most from the insights you've shared.

To be honest, you could release the Rosetta Stone of trading, and that won't help me get past the hurdle I'm at without my developing greater patience and managing risk and trades more maturely. However, what you've released already has made a difference to many of us (not trying to be the br.. noser here), and I often think that as I say thanks, that it must get annoying for you to hear it over and over. I'm going to keep saying it until you tell me to stop.

If there is a 'cult' following, I think it comes from the 'everydayness' you convey, combined with the possibility of achieving our dreams financially (while enjoying the journey) seeming attainable. Many of us are grateful, regardless of whether you release another video or not.

Whether your next video comes out Monday or ten years from Monday or not at all, most of us (probably all of us I'd say) wish you and your family the very best holiday season and 2015. Again, prayers to you and your family.
Hogarste said:
Absolutely wishing you and your family our prayers.

Most of us out here are normal people (more or less in my case) who appreciate all that you've done and if you never release another video, are already grateful more than we can say. I've had several sources for my learning, but I have gained by far the most from the insights you've shared.

To be honest, you could release the Rosetta Stone of trading, and that won't help me get past the hurdle I'm at without my developing greater patience and managing risk and trades more maturely. However, what you've released already has made a difference to many of us (not trying to be the br.. noser here), and I often think that as I say thanks, that it must get annoying for you to hear it over and over. I'm going to keep saying it until you tell me to stop.

If there is a 'cult' following, I think it comes from the 'everydayness' you convey, combined with the possibility of achieving our dreams financially (while enjoying the journey) seeming attainable. Many of us are grateful, regardless of whether you release another video or not.

Whether your next video comes out Monday or ten years from Monday or not at all, most of us (probably all of us I'd say) wish you and your family the very best holiday season and 2015. Again, prayers to you and your family.

Agree with your post, and most people are normal people but you are always going to get those people who wrongly think ICT owes us something. You will always get dillusional people who not matter what you say, they will still think they are right and everyone else is wrong. You will also always get people who wont take responsibility and will blame anyone/everyone else. When i was in school, if i didnt do well in a subject, it was down to me and my attitude. Nowadays a lot of people will blame someone or something else, like its the teachers fault or the schools fault or its boring. Anything but take responsibility for your own actions.

It has been frustrating ICT hasnt released the material, im sure he could have tweeted saying it'll be late but i still thank him for all his contributions. look how much time he has spent educating and all for free.

Anyway, hope his family is all ok and look on the positive, hopefully his son will learn a life lesson that you just cant reason with some people & some people will never be grateful for what they receive.
All the best to you and your family ICT. :)

I wouldn't have even explained the delay, personal/family reasons or otherwise, as it was the holidays and life happens. Just focus on the positives, and know that the people who are sincerely thankful for your work aren't phased by such things.

If a delay rattles the more self-entitled out there.. let them be rattled.

As another poster put it best in the MM series thread: People should be taking this downtime during the holidays to practice, practice, practice.. not try to blame others for failure. In the world of pro sports, no one got to the top by blaming the coach, no, they worked their asses off honing their craft.
As Jack stated you do not need to explain anything to anyone. S**T happens and that is all there is to it. :) Barb and I wish you and family all the best :) .

Over the years I have always addressed Michael as Jack has, he always has signed off as ICT.

This time he has used Michael, that is good, Hogarste has said pretty much it all.

There is just one thing, I thought Michael's son accounted very well for himself on BP, not only that, I look forward to seeing his input in the not too distant future.

Michael, ( I say this not only as a dad but also as a grandad) - let him fly. :)
Jack said:
All the best to you and your family ICT. :)

I wouldn't have even explained the delay, personal/family reasons or otherwise, as it was the holidays and life happens. Just focus on the positives, and know that the people who are sincerely thankful for your work aren't phased by such things.

If a delay rattles the more self-entitled out there.. let them be rattled.

As another poster put it best in the MM series thread: People should be taking this downtime during the holidays to practice, practice, practice.. not try to blame others for failure. In the world of pro sports, no one got to the top by blaming the coach, no, they worked their asses off honing their craft.

3 things came to mind:

1. Not only is this down time an opportunity to practice (skills and patience, especially), it is also time to review the previous series. I found some goodies from TPD series that gels with OB concept, and this is my 4th time watching it. Like what TGG said, there are no "new" things in the video.

2. An old saying "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear".

3. Last but not least. Is the next trade depending on the new videos?? Then why rant? Michael owes nothing to anyone since he is doing it voluntarily. He specified a date, missed it. So what?
We all know why Troy is mad. He lost a bunch of his hard-earned money. I was mad when I lost a bunch of my hard-earned money too.

But the only way to lose the amounts of money that we lost, the only way it is actually physically POSSIBLE is by ignoring the risk-cutting methods outlined by ICT over 3 years ago!

Why did Troy lose money THIS year, if the method to shield yourself from losing money was taught 3 years ago?

You think Troy would've... even could have dusted his retirement savings if he had cut risk to 1% after his first loss? and 0.5% for every loss after that?

The answer is of course no. At worst he might be down 5-10%, but you'd have to have the poorest grasp on these tools imaginable to lose that often, and without respite.

Troy doesn't want to ADMIT he GAMBLED his life savings away. He wants that shameful truth to be covered with something else, something a little more... External.

Poker was your game Troy... because you're a Gambler at heart. You wanted to make trading your new poker, your new "fix" and lo and behold that's what you got. You got a great little gambling game, and man did you ever get your fix!

You need to find "Trading in the Zone" and read it until your fucking eyes bleed. Each individual trade is, by itself, pretty much a gamble. You've seen this, and felt this... that nervous uncertain feeling. You can't change that. But what this business is about, is the sum of all your trades over a significant amount of time. All those little gambles can be survived with proper and consistent risk control measures, and if there is any edge at all to what you're doing (and let me assure you there is) you will realize it over time... as Profit.

You wanna be like me? you wanna recover from soul-crushing losses and quit your job and work at home making multiples of what you used to in half the time?

Every new Business model requires a back up plan, a plan that already makes money.
The first business that is making profit is enough to support the new business model, ie your job.
The new model cannot support or take position of your job until it is profitable, my advice to new traders, is to establish your own time for learning how to create and trade your own trading model, while you are still working the 9 to 5 or what every it may be. What ever you earn in a year, no more than 5% of your income per year, should be used for live trading funds, why? because if you are successful at trading, i dont think it would take you to long to turn that 5% into your yearly earnings already! So why waist a big bundle of money for nothing? huh?

ICT - thanks for the input, if any of us have enough patience to trade forex, we sure should be able to have enough patience waiting on the new release :thumbsup:
Happy New Year!

PS - i was in BMX bandits! lol only for one scene though, never made it as a movie star!
joepippin said:
I'm not sure what to make of you any more bud. Not saying that in a derogatory manner. No one's made you put release dates on your video's. You did. Then you don't follow through with them. You'd be much better and would solve 90% of the issues with people if you just hyped your videos without release dates attached... I'm sorry for your troubles with family, they sound very troubling. That aside...Any concept that people find value in will most likely get another name and then monetized. It's just the nature of Forex material. If you wanted your name to be PINNED to a concept you should of done like Tom Denmark or John Bollinger and made a book and sold it. You chose to come out with your information freely and your surprised people are trying to reformat it and sell it? :/ Your smarter then that... Obviously hindsight is 2020. I give you credit that your concepts require patience and anticipation. They are strong concepts. After reading all the comments from the trolls I understand that it must be frustrating to deal with them, but like you said your not losing any monetary value from them so why even a response??? Especially if what they say doesn't matter and you know that you can't help them even if you wanted to due emotional/psychological barriers?

Anyways... Time for a Green Beer as I wait for your release...But I'm sure it wont happen on Monday and it'll just spark more hidden anger because you missed that Release date too...
sorry to hear about your family problems and i didnt know you are ocd it explains everything now. my sister runs a hospital ward with people challenged with autisum and ocd,s so my hats off to you to become the trader you are, god only knows how you can press buy or sell let alone make the % gains ,the work of yours i have seen so far is very good im one of the people who said about hindsight as i havent been in any live sessions so maybe thats my fault
its your work you can release it any time you want ,or not thats your call ict.
but please like any mentor ,teacher parent ,you need to keep your word ,i would not dream of my kids waking up on christmas morning after seeing the presents they had seen under the tree and promised ,to be taken away and all i say is ,you will get them when im ready just cruel.
even worse you hyping and winding up your twitter followers everyday even till count down ,why did you not just say on twitter guys ive got stuff going on and will see you in the newyear
thats all was needed .forget about trading and the vids go focus with your family its way more important .and so is keeping your word
I'm crushed to hear about your mother-in-law's cancer - it's an absolutely horrible thing, and I want you to know I'm sending well wishes to your whole family. I've heard from my girlfriend (who has spent the last 6 months or so working in the Oncology ward in our local hospital) the horrors of cancer, and I can still only imagine what you're going through.

As far as the video series is concerned:

1: Why were people even considering watching the videos over the holiday season anyway? Take the time away from the charts and talk to your families and friends. Enjoy the season!

2: ICT is notorious for being late for videos. You have to build in an "ICT-delay" into your estimated delivery times (Dec 25, add 2-3 weeks and assume mid-late January for delivery). It's not a difficult or complicated thing to do.

3: ICT doesn't owe you anything. He hasn't been contracted to deliver these videos for a specified time and date, he just makes and releases videos at his own pace. Complaining doesn't actually make the process go faster, because you aren't entitled to anything. No obligations = no problem.

4: If an extra few days is such a big issue, then go elsewhere. There are boatloads of mentors on the internet that put out videos and whatnot more regularly than Michael. Follow them instead.

5: Clearly you think that the wait is worth it. Otherwise you wouldn't still be here waiting for the videos with the rest of us. Just sit back and enjoy the ride! You can get off the train any time you like.

As far as Troy is concerned - his addiction has gotten the better of him, and he needs to go seek professional help. His problems like completely outside trading, and I hope he realizes it before the worst happens.

I still hope that you manage to release the full video series soon - I'm really looking forward to it, and kind of want to marathon the whole thing, get all the notes out of the way, and then practice, practice, practice and finally start trading for a living. I have toys to buy, and vacations to go on, and my day job is REALLY starting to get in the way of that.


I think that would still put behind Clarkfx.... lol
garry said:
sorry to hear about your family problems and i didnt know you are ocd it explains everything now. my sister runs a hospital ward with people challenged with autisum and ocd,s so my hats off to you to become the trader you are, god only knows how you can press buy or sell let alone make the % gains ,the work of yours i have seen so far is very good im one of the people who said about hindsight as i havent been in any live sessions so maybe thats my fault
its your work you can release it any time you want ,or not thats your call ict.
but please like any mentor ,teacher parent ,you need to keep your word ,i would not dream of my kids waking up on christmas morning after seeing the presents they had seen under the tree and promised ,to be taken away and all i say is ,you will get them when im ready just cruel.
even worse you hyping and winding up your twitter followers everyday even till count down ,why did you not just say on twitter guys ive got stuff going on and will see you in the newyear
thats all was needed .forget about trading and the vids go focus with your family its way more important .and so is keeping your word

Yeah you kind of hit what I was trying to explain probably better. In no way am I trying to be pushy or being impatient or ungrateful. Id just rather people keep their word or be courteous enough to let your 1400 followers on twitter know your too busy.