Hi guys!
Right now i'm reading he's supertrader book. It seems like a great work.
I also went to hes website to take the traders personality test, and the guy
basically nailed my type of trader, with the strenghts along the weaknesses.(i've been impressed by it)
He reminded the study a few times in hes book. Checked it out,
and its a rather pricey for me now at 800 buck's(altough i'll cough it out if its good)Specially
since when i searched for results in the web they were very mixed.
Wondered if any of you guys took the course and if its worth the time
,price and effort.If someone could give me a recommendation i would be thankful.
Right now i'm reading he's supertrader book. It seems like a great work.
I also went to hes website to take the traders personality test, and the guy
basically nailed my type of trader, with the strenghts along the weaknesses.(i've been impressed by it)
He reminded the study a few times in hes book. Checked it out,
and its a rather pricey for me now at 800 buck's(altough i'll cough it out if its good)Specially
since when i searched for results in the web they were very mixed.
Wondered if any of you guys took the course and if its worth the time
,price and effort.If someone could give me a recommendation i would be thankful.