Three Word Story. A forum game.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd try it here, used to be a forum game back in the day when I played browser turn based games.


You are allowed to put in 3 words to the story, you cannot double post.

ex: Good Example
Me: Once Upon A...
PJ: Blue Moon Traders...
AC: Howl at shitty...
DG: Bacon they ate...

ex: Bad Example
Me: Once Upon A...
PJ: Blue Moon Traders...
AC: Howl at shitty...
DG: Bacon they ate...
DG: At the Denny's..

If you decide to end the story you are allowed to create the new one but you must end it by saying The End.

Ex: Good

AC: And that's when
GD: He realized the
DJ: True meaning of
AD: Discovery shark week.
HF: The End. Once

Ex: Still Ok

AC: And that's when...
GD: He realized the...
DJ: True meaning of...
AD: Discovery shark week.
HF: The End.
HF: Long Ago In

You're allowed up to three words so you can only go with 1 or 2 if you feel like it.

AD: There he was...
GD: Balls Deep In...
SD: Glorious...
LG: Showers of...
GD: Great Justice...

It can be dirty or clean were all adult's here but just in case

Possibly NSFW.

So I'll start
