Lets look at the ICT concepts
1. Time of day - yes well when the biggest volumes hit the markets, obvious.
2. Order blocks - Price reach zones, obvious, new name for old hat.
3. HTF market direction - well if you don't know this, the basics of trading; you're a donkey.
4. CBR - all part of the average range of an instrument, again duh.
5. Fibos - classic trading techniques, been used for so long now everybody knows it.
6. Fractals - oh yes, like thats a ruddy new one.
7. Breakers, mitigation blocks - new names for old hat.
8. Asian range - like wow that's new - Not (for those more stupid readers).
9. Oh yes, the power of three - open high low close - thought the japs invented this one.
I could teach it all in under an hour.
And ICT delivers it with such theatricals and long winded bla bla bla blabber
going on and on as if he was giving the greatest trading gift on the planet.
I stumbled across ICT during the search & seek stage of my trading career,
I listened avidly - all those thousands of hours, all that time, waiting for the
'promised secret' constantly hinted at, MM9 now, what a joke, quite frankly, bolloxs.
ICT is a fraud and a packager of basic concepts that have been around for centuries,
keeping traders tied in with hints of 'next time I'll really show you how its done'
I was lucky enough to be shown how to trade, within 3 months, I am averaging between
100 - 200 pips a day.
Will I show others how to do it, what and for it to become mainstream food fodder
liquidity for the big boys, no way. Not ever. And Micheal, you wouldn't either, so
you playing 'help the newbie card' is pathetic; its self defeating. Top 5% winners won't
ever statistically change, how can it.
You have wasted my time Micheal, and you are continuing to waste other traders time.
Get real, put yourself up there, or get off your stool and stop preaching like the
sociopath you are. And as for charging, well I must admit you have my respect at
conning 100's out of their money, but that is it. The rest is blxs.
ps) you are learning as you teach, and perhaps one day, you might be able to hold a candle up
to the real traders out there, quietly and thoroughly taking your money and the money of those
poor sods you are allegedly 'teaching' the holy grail.