Central Bank Dealing Range (CDR) with ICT Asia Range Combo


Well-Known Member
This combo provides a CDR indicator with an Asian Range (first 5 hours) indicator as used by ICT. I have styled the default colours for the CDR indi according to ICT's use in his 05_14_14 webinar (they are pretty garish, but to each their own). Note that ICT did request people posting charts based on his work, if they include the CDR, to standardize their look.

  • Display can be turned on or off (no need to keep installing/deleting)
  • Each element can be displayed independently (only display what you want to see)
  • Colours can be set by user (but give some thought to ICT's request) :)
  • Times can be set by user (but see limitations below)
  • It is completely free (but don't request the source please)

  • Assumes no dinky Sunday charts :eek: (so it won't work across "days")
  • Suitable for server "days" that end at NY close and start on Asia open (see chart)

Sample chart:

If your broker's server has different starting and ending times for each day and you need an indicator to cross days like ICT's does each Sunday-Monday then you may find the indicator by Hopiplaka better suited.

The file is attached.


  • AusDoc-DailyCDR-&-ICT-AsiaRange.ex4
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Thanks so much for this, and it works for the ftse/dax where there is no overnight data. Really appreciated. I so wish I had coding expertise.

Better Version - AusDoc-ICT-CDR-AsiaRange(GMT)

Well that first effort was a flop. Timezones and new days can be such a pain. :thumbsdown:

So here is the solution: AusDoc-ICT-CDR-AsiaRange(GMT).mq4

Yes folks, this indi can leap over the day barrier in a single bound. It follows GMT (well, I call it that in deference to ICT but it really follows UTC ???). ;)

You need to know how many hours difference there is between UTC and your broker's server and put this setting in twice, DST adjusted. Confused? It's pretty simple - just scroll to the bottom of the settings and put in those two numbers, allowing for any changes due to DST. My broker's server is set to the popular 2 or 3 hours after UTC. The difference, 2 vs 3, simply relates to the hour change when DST in on. You'll see the settings and many of you won't need to change the defaults.

Once you have this set the indicator will automatically take care of DST adjustments for you. So get it right once and you should be good to go.

With this version once again you can turn on or off virtually every object. Use the Asia range or not, show range labels (and even change them to what you like) or don't, show the price ranges in pips or turn them off. It's all up to you. Change box colours, remove individual boxes, whatever you like. Just remember if posting to try to use ICT's preferred look so we don't stress him out! Otherwise, set up your work environment to suit your preferences so you can just focus on trading.

These are the settings

This what it look like with labels and ranges
[You can turn the Comment off or write your own!]

Here we see how effortlessly it leaps over vertical dotted lines at midnight

Oh yes, almost forgot... it is set to automatically put out the lights and go to bed for a nap whenever you change time frames to H4 or above (so it only displays on H1 and below). Of course if you don't want it on any period at H1 or below just use the standard MT4 settings to disable as desired.

Here it is


  • AusDoc-ICT-CDR-AsiaRange(GMT).ex4
    46.6 KB · Views: 1,112
Thanks Ausdoc

Weird, but this version doesn't work with my Dax, Ftse indicies where there is no overnight data. Really pleased with your previous version, as helps me no end. A big ask, so ignore if you think its too much, but are you able to put the previous version in with weekly, monthly dealer ranges?

Hugs & thanks
Oops, forgot to remove the comment on deinitializing. Fixed in this copy.
(I don't know how to just update the previous post with an update.)


  • AusDoc-ICT-CDR-AsiaRange(GMT).ex4
    46.8 KB · Views: 680
kate682 said:
Weird, but this version doesn't work with my Dax, Ftse indicies where there is no overnight data. Really pleased with your previous version, as helps me no end. A big ask, so ignore if you think its too much, but are you able to put the previous version in with weekly, monthly dealer ranges?

Thanks Kate, great to know that first version can be used. I just dropped the new version onto a ftse (well, UK100cash) chart. It loads but doesn't show labels or pip ranges. :(

You can see it here

Do you have particular index instruments on MT4 that are different to mine perhaps? My broker provides the following.

Happy to take a look into the weekly and monthly version possibilities. It may take me a little while to get to it though.
Well I solved the mystery of the non-appearing labels. For the text to show a chart property setting is required. It's this one:


With this set my UK100cash index chart has no problems showing the range labels and pip values as it should.


v1.1 10JUN14 corrects inability to turn indicator OFF :-[


  • AusDoc-ICT-CDR-AsiaRange(GMT)-v1.1.ex4
    45.5 KB · Views: 936
Hello AusDoc, thank you for the indicator, it work so well, somehow i just place the Ict-Asia-session indicator in the same chart, I found out in same setting, the indicator will showing the different Asia session period. can you tell me which one is correct?


  • ICT Asia Session.ex4
    3.7 KB · Views: 506
Ricky said:
Hello AusDoc, thank you for the indicator, it work so well, somehow i just place the Ict-Asia-session indicator in the same chart, I found out in same setting, the indicator will showing the different Asia session period. can you tell me which one is correct?

Welcome to the forum Ricky!
Hello Ricky,

Welcome! ...and that's a good question. Different programming and dealing with time and timezones can all conspire to make life difficult at times. This is one of them. Hopefully this will help but you may need to just follow the principles and use different settings if your broker's server uses different settings to the one shown here. The following applies for a server set to GMT+2/3.

To begin, note that ICT is interested in the first 5 hours of what he calls the Asia session. Others would say that the session begins at the end of the NY session but for him, the session begins at Tokyo open which is always at GMT 0000.

My indicator shows the 5 hours from GMT 0000 to 0500 but because of how MT4 works the setting needs to be 0000 to 0459. Like this:


The default settings on the ICT Asia Session indicator produce the following.


Notice that the default is set to 8 hours and actually covers 9 hours due to the way time is used in MT4 charts. This is the whole of the Asia session and therefore it overlaps with the London session. Despite the name of the indicator, we know ICT is focused on just the first 5 hours.

If you use what should be the correct settings, like the following:


You end up with this:


But if you change the settings to the following:


You will get this:


This does seem to draw the lines one hour too early but that is not a problem. It does correctly identify the required 5 hours so it will include the correct highs and lows.

I hope this helps.
AusDoc said:
Hello Ricky,

Welcome! ...and that's a good question. Different programming and dealing with time and timezones can all conspire to make life difficult at times. This is one of them. Hopefully this will help but you may need to just follow the principles and use different settings if your broker's server uses different settings to the one shown here. The following applies for a server set to GMT+2/3.

To begin, note that ICT is interested in the first 5 hours of what he calls the Asia session. Others would say that the session begins at the end of the NY session but for him, the session begins at Tokyo open which is always at GMT 0000.

My indicator shows the 5 hours from GMT 0000 to 0500 but because of how MT4 works the setting needs to be 0000 to 0459. Like this:

The default settings on the ICT Asia Session indicator produce the following.

Notice that the default is set to 8 hours and actually covers 9 hours due to the way time is used in MT4 charts. This is the whole of the Asia session and therefore it overlaps with the London session. Despite the name of the indicator, we know ICT is focused on just the first 5 hours.

If you use what should be the correct settings, like the following:

You end up with this:

But if you change the settings to the following:

You will get this:

This does seem to draw the lines one hour too early but that is not a problem. It does correctly identify the required 5 hours so it will include the correct highs and lows.

I hope this helps.

I understand now, thank you so much for your help
Hey AusDoc!!

Bringing this thread back from the dead!!!

I just wondered if it is possible to load multiple instances of this fab indicator on one chart?

And also whether it can show more than 3 deviations?

Ideally I want it to show 5 deviations [maybe more, for those crazy days!!], and load it on my chart 3 times:

To show the CBDR, Asian Range and Flout.

Many thanks in advance!!!
Can Someone please help me out here guys because m really confused....

My local Time zone its GMT+2 and my MT4 its 1 hour ahead. when applying the indicators what hours should I put in?
Can Someone please help me out here guys because m really confused....
My local Time zone its GMT+2 and my MT4 its 1 hour ahead. when applying the indicators what hours should I put in?

Welcome and good luck
Download and install a MT4 demo from FXltd or another broker that you know is GMT. Note the times you want CBDR Killzones etc Perhaps with vertical lines. Install the indies if you want to use them. Then on M5 or M15 use the bars & their price action to determine the correct setting for your Broker. That is how I did it to switch when I used FXCM and they switched to GMT +2