Re: Zeitgeist Movie
I found the movie entertaining (saw it years ago when it first came out).. but there's so much in it I can't take very seriously.
And to be honest, I don't buy a lot of the 9/11 inside job conspiracy theory stuff. Maybe that's because I don't want to believe people are capable of such a thing, or maybe it's because I think there's way too much narrative fallacy involved in the movie, but in any case that's one subject I can't side with the movie on.
Regardless, the movie makes you think (be it positively or negatively about the movie's content) and that I think makes it worth watching.
EDIT: I forgot how hysterical the monetary policy part of the movie was.. sensationalism on how fractional reserve banking functions.
Not to mention the income tax part... you know there's a movement in the US of people who think they have legal grounds to get out of paying income tax? (As the movie suggests even.)
Of course, people following these movements usually just end up in prison and pissing off the courts.
For every interesting point in the movie, there's hard results like this that make me wonder if the movie is actually just selling the dream to people who want to believe such things.