F ForexisLIFE Well-Known Member Sep 22, 2018 #1 Do you use the standard 38.2/50/61.8 or something different?
jack Administrator Staff member Sep 23, 2018 #2 Aside from the 0.50 line, which is not a fib number, the "standard" are fib numbers. Either you use fib numbers or you don't... :/
Aside from the 0.50 line, which is not a fib number, the "standard" are fib numbers. Either you use fib numbers or you don't... :/
P Pentat1936 Well-Known Member May 11, 2020 #3 Fibonacci is the most adaptable indicator because it is quite close to nature as every action has a reaction. The reaction can be of a certain level as the Fibonacci retracements suggest. So, you can trust it as far as I think.
Fibonacci is the most adaptable indicator because it is quite close to nature as every action has a reaction. The reaction can be of a certain level as the Fibonacci retracements suggest. So, you can trust it as far as I think.
rod178 Well-Known Member May 11, 2020 #4 My favourite are 0 and 1 https://www.lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/pseudo/fibonacc.htm