US Gov shutdown live feed.


Staff member
The senate is still flapping their mouths.. why, I don't know, but they're still at it:

Everyone gets a soundbite I guess.

It's official though, the government has shut down spending, having not met the deadline to sort out a debt ceiling deal.

Interesting fact: The Statue of Liberty also gets closed to tourists when the government stops spending. LOL
Title should be edited to Us shutsdown again.. >:D I've been reading a bit about it.. Damn, even in the session of Clinton(who counts as one of the most successful presidents) the Us also managed to shutdown.And on 3 or 4 occasions before that. It sounds like they got the hang of it,lol.
In bloomberg and also in reuters the polls of the voters mostly accusing the reps about the issue.In my opinion it more looks like a political spin to kick the opposition in the butt a bit.
Government has shut down no less then 17 times in the past... It's just a bunch of drama. I think it's only like 30% get sent home today. If they show up for work they will get reimbursed later...
Haaa,the "Big Boys" at play...
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If the shutdown dispute persists it could become entangled with the even more consequential battle over the debt limit. The Obama administration has said Congress must renew the government's authority to borrow money by Oct. 17 or risk a first-ever federal default, which many economists say would dangerously jangle the world economy.

Treasury's report Thursday said defaulting on the nation's debts could cause the nation's credit markets to freeze, the value of the dollar to plummet and U.S. interest rates to skyrocket.