Trade Copier to manage multiple accounts


New Member
Hi All

I know this subject has been beaten to death, and if metaquotes get there way it will never work properly

But has anyone successfully used a third party trade manager to manage multiple accounts. I have tested the free ones, and trial tested a couple of the others. None of them actually seem to do the job properly. The best I have seen so far is fxsynergy.

Jack if I am not mistaken you where looking for a similar bit of software a while ago, did you have any luck. ??

Thanks 8) 8) 8)
I ended up settling with MT4i's Personal Trade Copier

It's not as nice as the GUI of fxsynergy, but it works.

Later I wrote a few custom scripts using the QuickChannel library MT4i provides to supplement where PTC left me wanting more.

I have no idea if it works with build 600+ as I've forced my MT4 installs to stay at 509 (never giving MT4 UAC permission to update the program.. simple way of suppressing it.)

I'd also like to point out that the developers at MT4i were very, very helpful. It's a free tool, but I asked them all sorts of technical questions about the PTC and even coding questions about QuickChannel and they were polite, quick to respond, and helpful. :thumbsup: