Thank you for your time to reply with these much details
You got my point very well, the broker who can be in your side and happy when you grow your account because it means more profit they make by commissions, this is my main point that makes me trust a broker, all of them do it as market makers and trade against you, your loss will be their profit, they will be happy by your loss
Am looking for a broker who will be happ when I grow my account balance
Yes you mention big amazing broker names, I honestly activated my account with one of the very big names in FOREX

and they offer account called DMA, direct market access, and claimed that they only make profits from commissions
I contacted them over chat and after some questions, I asked one question "when I lose my money who make profit from this loss?" and the answer that this loss will be profit of the broker, and same time I was contacting my account manager by email she said that they are only making profits from commissions and they dont make profits from my losses, here is the point, even very big name that is licensed in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan and Singapore, and you still get confusing answers that makes you not comfortable
At the time I had good money to make a professional thing for me, I was thinking to not open with a broker, I decided I will get siftware license and get direct liquidity and market access from SAXO or Swissquote and setup my own trading house, I know it is expensive but at that time I just wanted to make sure I will get paid the profits I will make from my big account it was around $200K
But after a big loss I have to trade with a retail broker that makes me feel comfortable I will get paid my profits until I return again to my plan to create my own trading firm
To this point I cannot trust any broker as a real A-Book, yes maybe they can pay profits to some level, but if big account with big profits they will try to make you lose them with manipluting your account, increase commissions or spreads specially at new times and say "It is normal during news releases", and if you managed to make big profits am sure it will not be easy to withdraw
The only thing I trust now if I create my own trading firm with direct liquidity from a big bank that you hold your account with, even big banks sometimes manipulate cutomer accounts
German lender Deutsche Bank is set to be charged by a group of lawyers in the U.K.