FXGears forums are broker friendly, but promotion strict.
We welcome brokers who wish to interact with our members in a customer service fashion, but we do not allow promotional material or promotional activities.
Do not post promotional material.
As well, affiliate marketing is not allowed and will result in the banning of offending parties. This warning is in this sticky topic, part of the registration agreement you signed when joining the forum, and even in the 'Brokers' forum description as seen from the forum index...So you have been warned.
All claims of wrongdoings, scams, etc, must be backed up with hard proof, or they will be removed from the forums. We welcome all types of talk about brokers on this board, even if it's critical or damning, but we don't wish to propagate/host FUD ("Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt.") Be prepared to provide solid proof that you can defend, or don't post it.
We welcome brokers who wish to interact with our members in a customer service fashion, but we do not allow promotional material or promotional activities.
Do not post promotional material.
As well, affiliate marketing is not allowed and will result in the banning of offending parties. This warning is in this sticky topic, part of the registration agreement you signed when joining the forum, and even in the 'Brokers' forum description as seen from the forum index...So you have been warned.
All claims of wrongdoings, scams, etc, must be backed up with hard proof, or they will be removed from the forums. We welcome all types of talk about brokers on this board, even if it's critical or damning, but we don't wish to propagate/host FUD ("Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt.") Be prepared to provide solid proof that you can defend, or don't post it.