Project Icarus


Well-Known Member
It has come to my attention....

That there is a chatroom... not only that we have a chatroom but it's not the only one I frequent and the main difference is... we do less discussion about trading and improving trading than we do, provoking, prodding, or ridiculing of other traders.

I am in a few chatrooms and I'm not saying that it's anything new for that type of behavior but I want to point out the differences... One in particular I am not going to name, has 1 experienced trader (about 5 years now) she leads in a sense where she makes calls or discusses about what's going on. Whether it'd be about news, volatility, or exotic pairs, she is focused... There are about 60 people in that chatroom, her, a few guys in and between (1-2 years) trading, and a handful of new people.

One in particular stands out because he is excited about trading but was completely new to all of it and being around us making calls within the group which has a large frequency and sharp accuracy (60-80%) he took every single one even if we were just discussing it. He was being so loud, arrogant, and impatient so much so that he lead me and a few others in there to believe he was using a gross amount of risk. Turns out he was after a few of the other experienced people quizzed him and he was advised to reel back. He's even started making calls himself and we didn't berate him for it straight out we asked why he gave a reason and if it made sense you go for it.... and that's when it dawned upon me.


The idea of you have something and need to protect it is a joke now that I realize it because NOTHING YOU DO IS NEW for the most part your trying something you've read somewhere or seen someone do and tried to emulate it.

For those of you who do frequent the chat a lot you know that I do give you everyone a tremendous amount of freedom and privilege to say and do what you want. I don't fully understand what everyone does specifically but it doesn't mean I don't have anything to offer or anyone else in that room doesn't have anything to offer.

I understand some of you may be easily influenced by alternative opinions but being self-aware and progressively working towards a solid strategy also requires you to put some work in. To be influenced by someone else can have a positive and negative effect but there needs to be some evidence to show yourself first why or why not. None of this has to be forced in real risk or detach from what you formally do.
For Ex:If you have clerical evidence that the MACD and stochastics strategy works and I tell you the only falling point the way your doing it is congestion and that you may have just gotten lucky, you show me that I am wrong on a EOM basis not a single EOD basis, have we both not learned something invaluable?
For Ex2: If you show your MA 1-20 strategy catches all the highs and lows and someone mentions well why not combine it with bollinger bands to predict potential points of break out and minor compression and continued breakouts because a dynamic shift between congested markets to volatile may swipe you pretty bad? Has this not given you an idea to test, something to help evolve your strategy?

Your always going to be influenced by someone or something if its not a fellow trader, it's your family, friends, or lover...what I hope is in the company of your own we'll try to set you on the right path if your willing.

I'm an advocate of keeping my word but starting today pretty much I'm going to be online at 2am EST to take some FX trades.

I will say this however I am human and expect me to be so:
-I have no guarantees when I will be injured/sick/tired and may not be there all the time or simply I just don't want to trade for the week
-I can be late, real life happens.
-I am in no way a signal service, I'll disclose what I am taking if asked , but it is not law, trade however you want
-I will take losses and strings of losses
-I will definitely call people out for just joining with a purely destructive purpose with out reason, I will definitely wreck you emotionally but I will build you back up as long as your willing to listen
-Mob-mentality will definitely occur and I will do whatever plausible to remedy this if it occurs

That's the short list of things, I don't want this to turn into BabyPips chat where we come in and if we are majority rule we fling our feces at anyone coming in if they aren't with us. So with that said if your insomnic or live in an area where it's not an ungodly hour c'mon in if not no harm done because at the end of the day; trade with me, don't trade with me, it's your choice.

(must be logged in to the forum or have a forum account)

Just thought I'd drop a link here given the subject..
Better yet, let's pool all our money together and then only trade when we reach a consensus. Our accuracy should be at least as good as the best trader in the room, that's just math! 8) ??? :eek: ;D
Dude, you know well that rule numero uno is that nobody's opinion means shit to you. You have to make your own decisions.
Also if you go by that,(and you are in a comfy place) why the heck would you care what others think/have to add to you..? 3rd about the pro. I never saw a pro making any kind of tradecalling.
Now just curious wtf all this have to do with project Icarus..?
Piper 2.0 said:
Dude, you know well that rule numero uno is that nobody's opinion means shit to you. You have to make your own decisions.
Also if you go by that,(and you are in a comfy place) why the heck would you care what others think/have to add to you..? 3rd about the pro. I never saw a pro making any kind of tradecalling.
Now just curious wtf all this have to do with project Icarus..?

Someone has to stir the pot once in a while Piper...

That's the thing I have no care for what people think of me, ever. I like to put them in their place once in a while but realistically I'm bored the chat bores me and I thought this would shake things up in a positive way for everyone.

I'm gonna outline my Trade Discipline Methodology with one picture Piper...


Not telling you, but I'm just Sayin'

The idea of Project Icarus has been in my mind forever and really Piper wouldn't you like to have fresh new faces. It's like a porn audition.... "It's my first time!!!" and its the same girl Ep1-20, gotta get new faces and/or retain the hot ones man c'mon!