MyFxBook & What Not...


Well-Known Member
The fireworks are about to begin on the internet. I'm certain I will be toasted, roasted and boasted by many. It's only fitting to have a place for the FxGearheads to chime in and not clutter other threads with the topic.

First investment of time with the project:

My MyFxBook handle is the same as my Twitter handle: ICT_MHuddleston

Have fun and don't expect me to answer questions or rebut anything in this thread or on MyFxBook discuss section or Babypips thread. Everyone needs a medium to vent and toss some gas on the flames. View it as such.

There is a stark contrast to what everyone expects and what they will see in relationship to MyFxBook. If you want to compare apples to oranges and wish to post and share your personal MyFxBook with us all here too - for contrast purposes... please do. ;)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Now waiting for garry's, not holding my breath though.

Just in case anyone wants a quick, working link to the file.

And this seems to be the proper MyFXBook.
the mikey dog and pony.

poof: and it's gone.

InnerCircleTrader said:
There is a stark contrast to what everyone expects and what they will see in relationship to MyFxBook.

Yep..! Let's hope he comes back and finishes the MM series, I'm pretty sure he wants to. Would be a shame to leave it unfinished.
shopster said:
the mikey dog and pony.

poof: and it's gone.


Relax guys! I know the Market Maker Series has gotten strung out a bit. Honestly, I'm still behind on the videos in that series but I'm doing pretty good. 2 trades last night = +188 pips. How is everybody else doing?
Dear MyFXbook:

What The Fuck.

your auto-scale charts need some better programming. -200%? that doesn't even make sense! :lawl:

the golden gun said:
Dear MyFXbook:

What The Fuck.

your auto-scale charts need some better programming. -200%? that doesn't even make sense! :lawl:


It sort of does - you could lose more than what you put in. If you were short the Franc with high leverage during the unpegging you could lose more than what you put in many times over in the negative. Whether you have to pay the broker or not is a different matter but for portfolio tracking purposes it is possible.
Well I'll throw my fxbook up for shits and giggles. New demo account traded since Nov 14, so a good 6 months. I hit some drawdown in the middle there and didn't handle it well, got lucky and recovered the loss, then got my shit under control and got back to trading properly. That really taught me a lesson.

It's an FXCM $50k demo, traded as if it were $3k so you have to work out the stats manually.

$56328.67 - $47000 = $9328.67

$3000 start balance, currently $9328.67 = 210% if I'm not mistaken.

I traded demo when I first found Mike in 2013, did well and opened a small $500 live account, had mixed success and didn't have the psychological side nailed down (not that I do now 100% either), and did the noobie thing and blew it up, took a break for about 6 months then came back with this demo account.

If anyone's really interested in picking through it I can share a link.

I guess the confusing part is why it waited til I was up 200% to display that option. I guess the more you make, the more likely you are to lose big, hahaha. Fair enough Myfxbook, you win!

when are you going to make the leap to Live? What would be the catalyst? It appears consistent gains isn't enough to give you the confidence... so what are ya waiting for? ;)
Everyone's sharing results, anyone want to post up a little background on them? Maybe a link, or a background story on the trades or what worked/ not worked for them.

Ak, the one time you posted up a chart from MyFxBook that showed the stats, I saw you were taking a very small amount of pips outta each trade, have you found scalping works best you in the long run?
the golden gun said:
when are you going to make the leap to Live? What would be the catalyst? It appears consistent gains isn't enough to give you the confidence... so what are ya waiting for? ;)

GG - purely a lack of free $. Just got married, wife want's house savings, just moved house into a new rental, both my wife and I have just changed jobs in the last year, have two weddings to go to in Scotland one in Oct and one in April, and a wedding in Hawaii in March, plus far to many toys requiring surplus cash, oh woe is me! But I've managed to scrape together enough to start a decent sized account, just exploring my options here in Aus with regards to taxation... I'll be live in a month or so I'd say. 8)
shopster said:
the mikey dog and pony. deletes weekly on auto

poof: and it's gone.


There you are... and here I am. I never linked the account yet. It has to be there initially to warrant a "poof and it's gone" comment. SMH

Just so you know... seeing you like to call people out and all... I've had a credit card compromised and I've been concerned my identity has been stolen. I am not ashamed to say I have been scared to think if that has happened. However, thus far it appears limited to one account and bank.

Since you are here... Shoppie. Dance with me 50:1 leverage. It would do wonders for your calling the posers out campaign. It would give me motivation to walk you openly too.

What say ye bub?

Pretty please... 8)
Spot me the Entry Fee, and I'll go head to head with ya, "bub". Surely it would be worth 0.00025% of your net worth to put me in my place?

Or are ya Skeeeered? >:D

y'all should be ashamed that the only one posting a profitable, live account is none other than the internet's most notorious loser, akeakamai!

and nobody has to smugly inform me about my non-existent risk management on the account. It was intentional. Don't critique it, just Beat It.

InnerCircleTrader said:
... I've had a credit card compromised and I've been concerned my identity has been stolen.

Troy, please return the credit card after Shopster has finished with it.
MrMHLewis said:
Well I'll throw my fxbook up for shits and giggles. New demo account traded since Nov 14, so a good 6 months. I hit some drawdown in the middle there and didn't handle it well, got lucky and recovered the loss, then got my shit under control and got back to trading properly. That really taught me a lesson.

It's an FXCM $50k demo, traded as if it were $3k so you have to work out the stats manually.

$56328.67 - $47000 = $9328.67

$3000 start balance, currently $9328.67 = 210% if I'm not mistaken.

I traded demo when I first found Mike in 2013, did well and opened a small $500 live account, had mixed success and didn't have the psychological side nailed down (not that I do now 100% either), and did the noobie thing and blew it up, took a break for about 6 months then came back with this demo account.

If anyone's really interested in picking through it I can share a link.

I was at Little Caesars last night and read your entry above. Made me laugh but its so true! Lots of variables to becoming a profitable trader. Nice post! And I like that line going up!
InnerCircleTrader said:
Dance with me 50:1 leverage.
