
Welcome to the group. What made you come into trading? There are a lot of experienced traders here so any questions please don't be afraid to ask. Good luck to you.
Hi my friend ☺
Welcome to the forum get to know the layout and take your time it's a marathon not a sprint as they say
Hello Everyone, I'm Abhimanyu. 3 years in the markets.
Systematic Trader, trading across India / US and Crypto, in Spot and Options.
Hi, I am Julio 15+ years on the market, active up to day trading. Career in medical devices. 300+ patents. Mind of an analyst. Always wanted to test some ideas on live market data. I can always make them work on past data. Never had the time / access to get the information I needed. Now interested to get into Rest API based trading to build my own platform. Fun for me is full stack programming, server administration, security. Have programmed in most languages known to date including absolute machine code :). Looking for a well threaded path for API based trading in Option spreads and paper trading. Alpaca seems the best I have found from Discord /r/Forex,/r/algotrading.... channel.