FX1.net free MT4 development tools


Well-Known Member
some usefull MT4 tools, most of which are free.

especially interesting are :


good supplement to the free tools available from MT4i
This looks interesting.. thanks for posting it, I'm going to check it out. :)
Jack said:
This looks interesting.. thanks for posting it, I'm going to check it out. :)

How did you go?

I 've decided to place MT4Gui aside, for now, as I've found that the new MT4 (build 600+) Button Object functionality (with the option of the odd Win API call) is all that I require.
rod178 said:
How did you go?

I 've decided to place MT4Gui aside, for now, as I've found that the new MT4 (build 600+) Button Object functionality (with the option of the odd Win API call) is all that I require.

The same actually... but I'm still prodding around to see what might be of use. Right now, I have nothing pressing that 'needs' this solution though.. just nice to know what's available should a need arise in the future.
Jack said:
... but I'm still prodding around to see what might be of use. Right now, I have nothing pressing that 'needs' this solution though...

Interested on what you may come up with.

I've decided to code objects (eg Buttons) in a sub-window to run 'script like' code via the 'state' of the object called via OnChartEvent(). This facilitates a clean primary chart asthe sub-window can be made to be invisible until required.