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So, the Europeans actually keep money in their banks. That's a novel concept.


Source: The Hudson Report, 13 June 2014. The Hudson Institute | GPO Box 1875 | BRISBANE, QLD 4000, Australia
Dr Yellen is starting to look like one of the people in this picture!


Source cited: Posted under the "general public" provision.
Adding new meaning to using hard stops ;D


Source: Business Insider Australia, 28 Jan 2013
If they were traders, the "hungry" wouldn't be on the other side of that trade... :p

Pigs would still be making a 'total sacrifice' though.
Jack said:
If they were traders, the "hungry" wouldn't be on the other side of that trade... :p

LOL.. well said. :) ....I reckon the market is a bit of a hungry beast though...

Pigs would still be making a 'total sacrifice' though.

True, I hear you.... chickens too mostly, just maybe more slowly.
^ I think it's a cunning plan by the Australian Federal Government.
with the sheer amount of job applications generated, employers will employ Human Relation managers. HR led transition from mining...... Ingenious.

So trade well or it's back to the salt mines... where people have to actually work for a living.
Hey AusDoc, I need your advice.

Can excessive consumption of Pips result in constipation?
