

Staff member
Right now avatars are disabled. You might see the odd reference to them in your profile settings and around the board, but for now they aren't enabled.

I am looking into enabling them but for now they must remain turned off.

(I know..)

Feel free to talk about the pros/cons of forum avatars here:
James Cameron can't profit off it, M Night Shyamalan wouldn't take it down with his career, and some may see it as a Revolution!
Avatars are enabled for all profiles!

Just in case you haven't been paying attention. :p
Jack said:
Avatars are enabled for all profiles!

Hmmm... I can't seem to get it to work. Tried uploading and external hosting but both gave the same reject message about writing being disabled.
AusDoc said:
Hmmm... I can't seem to get it to work. Tried uploading and external hosting but both gave the same reject message about writing being disabled.

Oo.. I'll look into this. Probably a leftover from the server upgrade I did.. will respond here soon when you should try again. :)
Jack said:
Oo.. I'll look into this. Probably a leftover from the server upgrade I did.. will respond here soon when you should try again. :)

Thanks Jack. I'll check again tomorrow, my time. Cheers
Just tried again, both upload and link, with same result. The error message is:

An Error Has Occurred!
The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.

I'll wait patiently for your OK to try again. :)