What learning resources do you recommend for aspiring traders?


I am new to the world of investing and trading in the stock market and have no knowledge whatsoever. Please provide some good free guides
Hi! The Babypips website has a lot of useful content for beginners, so I would suggest starting there. There's also a forum like this one with a lot of active members. YouTube also has some good content and the Forex Academy channel is great for beginners as well. You could also practice on demo through a broker once you're ready.
I definitely second Babypips if your just staring out. It goes right from the basics upwards. There is so much info there it's well worth looking into. I would also look at Forex Peace Army - Military school. It's quite a similar concept but offers different ideas. The forum is also good for Broker reviews as well.
Hi! The Babypips website has a lot of useful content for beginners, so I would suggest starting there. There's also a forum like this one with a lot of active members. YouTube also has some good content and the Forex Academy channel is great for beginners as well. You could also practice on demo through a broker once you're ready.

They are solid bases for sure, once they've done that theres more down the line
Some good suggestions here to get you started for sure. Have to put the hours in to practice as well though.
For me i found
Babypips FPA and Trade2win etc
Youtube SMC concepts
Twitter too and some FB groups that are well moderated can be little gems of Info