Scalping with Alpha-Bet


Well-Known Member
Hi all. In honour of this fine site Jack has started I thought it appropriate to put fingers to keyboard and kick this journal off...

I'm not a strong advocate of public trade calling as trading is a honest, humble & solitary pursuit. ;) So all trades presented here shall be honest and devoid of ego.

I continually read that 20% ROI is guru status, 95%-99% of traders lose and short term trading is impossible due to it's supposed irrational behavior.

*Bias: Short side trades only

*Pairs traded: EUR/USD (ED) AUD/USD (AD) USD/JPY (UJ)

*Chart Period: 1 minute candlestick charts. No indicators.

*S/L & TP: 10 pip Stop Loss & 6 pip take profit. Will exit earlier with discretion. Trades will often run harder but I use size to get the job done not net pips.

Let's kick this thing off in Frankfurt....
Off to cut some firewood :)
Ramy3 said:
+ 9.5 off bounce sweet!!!

Sorry mate not understanding what you mean?

Just watching the talking heads on "Inside Business" Aussie TV.
Jim Rickards, Author of "Currency Wars", saying Aussie Reserve Bank shouldn't be cutting rates, just inviting inflation.
Just made 9.5 pips off eur low of day bounce. Inflation is pretty much a norm and predictable pattern… We will be getting our share sooner than later too. We already got a nice ride not long ago…

It’s all planed many many years ahead by the “BigBoys".
Ramy3 said:
Inflation is pretty much a norm and predictable pattern… We will be getting our share sooner than later too. We already got a nice ride not long ago…

It’s all planed many years ahead by the “BigBoys".

Yep. Slay the inflation dragon until deflation scares the life outta people...