

Hi I'm new here iam from Namibia Africa age 30 has one son name mackmaine khoetageb four years in forex trading winning and lossing first when I start forex in 2016 I new little about the market profit was mostly through my account manager till I start learning on my own on the demo account and reading books and make research about the market till I come across two forex community fxgear and trading view iam still learning forex is like a business to me that's all I want to do till they bury me and learn my son about it if you are a forex trader all you need is internet and capital and knowledge.I come from a poor family orphan for 30 years raised by family members in a small town in Namibia name khorixas...I take forex to heart that why I choose to be a retail trader iam here to add on what I know to find what I do not know hope I will enjoy knowing you guys here Namibia is cold tatata but we focus and healthy in the name of Jesus iam happy to be here my tribe is iam a pure Damara...very honest and funny same times but very serious about business
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Hello and welcome, it's nice to meet you! I hope that this site helps you to eventually accomplish your goals and that it gets you started on the right foot.
Exactly "HeavLeighG thanks for the we'll come i will try an brow's through alleady ask questions and answers to get what I am looking for ..for know
Hi and welcome. Just take your time with learning and practicing. It can seem like you feel the need to rush it and get earning asap but that can be unhelpful in this business. Remember it is a skill and all skills worth learning take time to master.
Hi and welcome aboard.
Take your time it's a marathon not a race use a demo account practice proper money management and good luck