Hi I'm new here iam from Namibia Africa age 30 has one son name mackmaine khoetageb four years in forex trading winning and lossing first when I start forex in 2016 I new little about the market profit was mostly through my account manager till I start learning on my own on the demo account and reading books and make research about the market till I come across two forex community fxgear and trading view iam still learning forex is like a business to me that's all I want to do till they bury me and learn my son about it if you are a forex trader all you need is internet and capital and knowledge.I come from a poor family orphan for 30 years raised by family members in a small town in Namibia name khorixas...I take forex to heart that why I choose to be a retail trader iam here to add on what I know to find what I do not know hope I will enjoy knowing you guys here Namibia is cold tatata but we focus and healthy in the name of Jesus iam happy to be here my tribe is iam a pure Damara...very honest and funny same times but very serious about business
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