ICT claims that you can use his forex methods in index futures trading. In fact, on January 6th he outlined how to approach Index futures in less the ten tweets.
I would like to use this thread as a journal or note pad as I dip my toe into index futures. I have no experience with this asset class so don't expect anything amazing. In fact, I am a bit rusty on all the ICT methodologies so as I post trades feel free to critique what I am doing. I am not trying to get rich or even to make money. I am trying to get a little experience in another asset class as well as develop some intramarket analysis skills to apply to my forex trading.
If anything, I hope this is at least entertaining. ;D Now to find a broker that has a good demo program...
I would like to use this thread as a journal or note pad as I dip my toe into index futures. I have no experience with this asset class so don't expect anything amazing. In fact, I am a bit rusty on all the ICT methodologies so as I post trades feel free to critique what I am doing. I am not trying to get rich or even to make money. I am trying to get a little experience in another asset class as well as develop some intramarket analysis skills to apply to my forex trading.
If anything, I hope this is at least entertaining. ;D Now to find a broker that has a good demo program...