increase your win rate

FTMO Trader Scouting


Well-Known Member
Have you ever contemplated the idea of widening your stop to potentially enhance your win rate (WR) in trading? Share your insights and experiences
Honestly, I haven't thought about that, it's definitely more stressful. I think it's better to earn small amounts, but more consistently
Reducing the size of your stop-loss in trading may not be the best idea. It can lead to increased risk of losses and worsen the risk-to-reward ratio. However, you can give it a try on demo accounts to see how it works.
The distance of SL, should be governed, not by win-rate. But by the market dynamics, recent performance and above all - the risk threshold of the individual trader
Why would I want to increase potential losses when there is no guarantee of greater profit?
The key point is that while a smaller stop-loss can potentially increase the frequency of being stopped out, it also allows for more granular control over individual trades. For example, by reducing your stop-loss, you're essentially lowering your exposure on a per-trade basis, which could be beneficial in highly volatile markets. It's about finding the balance that works for your trading style and risk tolerance. Moreover, experimenting with smaller stop-losses on a demo account allows you to see the effects without financial risk. This can provide insights into how small adjustments can impact your overall trading strategy.
FTMO Trader Scouting