the golden gun
This is why:

the golden gun said:here is the director's cut....
Th3Lucky1 said:I think if all that efforts went to trading, instead of making graphs(maybe they'll help you in your trading, but somehow I doubt it..) you could be much further ahead.. ???
the golden gun said:lol
Your mind clearly snapped in the last few weeks. I won't even speculate why. But you still got energy to come take shots at me for posting a mini-lesson on drawdown. Unbelievable.
Th3Lucky1 said:Snappin here, bouncing there, mold it up and make it better. Evolve. The end result is what matters Amigo, now I dont know what yours(i hope its good). I mean the charts are nice, but whats the end-line of to "learn how to loose"?That part is simple. Either you click the X button near the position you should close, or you don't move your stop(that's the way of taking a loss) Did you managed to climb that curvebell? You said something once, about asking the hard questions. You were very much right about that one, i'll give you that. The outcome of trading is simply the sum total of who we are. Enjoy your charts,my intention been that you might be focusing your attention to the wrong direction by what i see. May your excel sheets bring you all them pips you wish for, by losing well. 8)