Hey everybody!
Here is a simple system for new traders. Simple and easy to follow rules included.
(if you are not happy with it you will be refunded in 30 days, promise 8)) Pictured demonstration of the system of a short period in the next post(only 5 pics allowed to be attached)Been forward tested to a period of a month with fx tester, with very good results. In my opinion a new trader can utilize this system after a learning curve of a few days, 2 weeks tops.
Some clowns started to jump around and bash this, suggesting alternative motives. The only reason this is went up and public, to give back some value to struggling ppl(and its not going to happen again, this is a great starting for a new trader to develop from, but i'm not here to hold your hand and give you fish, gave you a way to fish and become better from this point), what's exactly my teacher done for me. Take it, leave it, I don't care(it's not my usual edge). Trading is think or swim!!! And with this you got a freakin' Jetski... You just need to do some effort and learn how to drive it..
I'll go that far, that it will be more advantages for me if you will not utilize it,and i'll find you in the other side of all my trades.
Needed ingredients( attached):
3.SD indi (here you can eliminate the d line in the options,since we're using it only to determine htf conditions in our favor,not crossovers)
4. Zlag Macd(remove signal line, it'll just distort you view)
Set up your charts as you see from the picture examples below.(not necessary to trade 15 to hourly, but i recommend that you keep ltf 15 minimum,and the htf in relation of 1 to 4, eg: hrly to 4hr)
1. To buy/sell we need htf to be overbought/oversold.
2. We are only buy/sell after price entering s/d zone present.
3. Divergence on the correct direction must be present(bull div/hidden bull div forbuy,bear hidden bear for sell).
4. S/L 10 pips below recent s/d (though its just a good and pretty sure number, in time ,if you choose to use this sys, you can refine the s/l statistically that works the best to get a better R:R )
5. exit on macd div to the opposing direction of the trade combined with htf ob/os
6. Profit taking, I recommend the following strategy:
1 20% out after 10 pips
2 another 20% after 20 pips with s/l adjustment to -6 pips, now the only way to loose is a worst case scenario of spike to the other direction, even if s/l hit you are in profit!
3 (optional), get out 10% for every 10 pips.
The trade selection process:
I would recommend that you watch/read all the below,since it's not a bad idea to understand the underlying foundation of what you are doing,and it will give you trust the tools you are using,and confidence in the system. And also to read the supply demand thread on the forums.
In a short summary this utilizes the following simple(and simple doesn't mean not damn effective),fundamentals of the market:
If the higher time frame market flow is over bought,once the low tf diverges from price at an s/d area price has a very high probability of turning.
By timing you'll notice that most of the setups will come in session beginnings/midsession of london and new york.
PS Don't expect it being a grail just an edge. But a damn good one!
Stochastic explanation:
Macd explanation
Babypips div school:
A good series of macd and macd div explanation.
Two and a half hours of more quality material with no marketing/selling twists whatsoever,and a deeper touch and more detailed explanation about the s/d concept.
A good book about the topic and further utilization of the s/d concept
Credits(and thanks):
Fred for supplying the book,
Sam Seiden for SupDem concept,
George Lane Stochastic inventor,
Gerald Appel for the macd,
Alex Katsaros for the intoduction of macd and stoch,
Marko for the div explanations and macd,
Ausdoc for the valuable resources,
Alpha for supplying clues of how to look on price,
And last but most my mentor, Shop a true master of price and the markets, the greatest trader who i was lucky to meet,who tirelessly and patiently(i was really good at being a dumbass from time to time) pointed me towards how the markets work,and raised me to be the trader i am today.
Here is a simple system for new traders. Simple and easy to follow rules included.
Some clowns started to jump around and bash this, suggesting alternative motives. The only reason this is went up and public, to give back some value to struggling ppl(and its not going to happen again, this is a great starting for a new trader to develop from, but i'm not here to hold your hand and give you fish, gave you a way to fish and become better from this point), what's exactly my teacher done for me. Take it, leave it, I don't care(it's not my usual edge). Trading is think or swim!!! And with this you got a freakin' Jetski... You just need to do some effort and learn how to drive it..
Needed ingredients( attached):
3.SD indi (here you can eliminate the d line in the options,since we're using it only to determine htf conditions in our favor,not crossovers)
4. Zlag Macd(remove signal line, it'll just distort you view)
Set up your charts as you see from the picture examples below.(not necessary to trade 15 to hourly, but i recommend that you keep ltf 15 minimum,and the htf in relation of 1 to 4, eg: hrly to 4hr)
1. To buy/sell we need htf to be overbought/oversold.
2. We are only buy/sell after price entering s/d zone present.
3. Divergence on the correct direction must be present(bull div/hidden bull div forbuy,bear hidden bear for sell).
4. S/L 10 pips below recent s/d (though its just a good and pretty sure number, in time ,if you choose to use this sys, you can refine the s/l statistically that works the best to get a better R:R )
5. exit on macd div to the opposing direction of the trade combined with htf ob/os
6. Profit taking, I recommend the following strategy:
1 20% out after 10 pips
2 another 20% after 20 pips with s/l adjustment to -6 pips, now the only way to loose is a worst case scenario of spike to the other direction, even if s/l hit you are in profit!
3 (optional), get out 10% for every 10 pips.
The trade selection process:

I would recommend that you watch/read all the below,since it's not a bad idea to understand the underlying foundation of what you are doing,and it will give you trust the tools you are using,and confidence in the system. And also to read the supply demand thread on the forums.
In a short summary this utilizes the following simple(and simple doesn't mean not damn effective),fundamentals of the market:
If the higher time frame market flow is over bought,once the low tf diverges from price at an s/d area price has a very high probability of turning.
By timing you'll notice that most of the setups will come in session beginnings/midsession of london and new york.
PS Don't expect it being a grail just an edge. But a damn good one!
Stochastic explanation:
Macd explanation
Babypips div school:
A good series of macd and macd div explanation.
Two and a half hours of more quality material with no marketing/selling twists whatsoever,and a deeper touch and more detailed explanation about the s/d concept.
A good book about the topic and further utilization of the s/d concept
fred9455 said:
AusDoc said:There are some pretty useful resources available for getting the most from supply and demand.
This forexfactory thread has a good intro:
Including this cool graphic:
The thread starter moved on to his own site which is paid, but also offers plenty for free:
Have a browse and watch a video or two to make your own mind up concerning its value.
There are also 3 posts of briefer, quite simple and sound info here:
http://instaforexpips.com/simplicity-supply-demand-trading-strategy/ [links to next 2 articles at bottom]
Credits(and thanks):
Fred for supplying the book,
Sam Seiden for SupDem concept,
George Lane Stochastic inventor,
Gerald Appel for the macd,
Alex Katsaros for the intoduction of macd and stoch,
Marko for the div explanations and macd,
Ausdoc for the valuable resources,
Alpha for supplying clues of how to look on price,
And last but most my mentor, Shop a true master of price and the markets, the greatest trader who i was lucky to meet,who tirelessly and patiently(i was really good at being a dumbass from time to time) pointed me towards how the markets work,and raised me to be the trader i am today.