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FTMO Trader Scouting
  1. A

    ICT Standard Deviation

    Still beating the dead drums?
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Oh dear you are bursting your mate Shop's methodology. However not even a peep squeak out of the fellow who is minting millions of dollars every week. Remember he said a million is small change.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    You won't need the instruction, pretty sure you can work it out after a few tries.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Rude and condescending? I wasn't the one mocking people in their approach but when someone questions their methodology suddenly it is seen to be rude. If you point and mock then expect the same buddy. Maybe get your Guru to tell us why Fibs and some magic numbers are why markets turns. Backtest...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Why not? Or are you scared of revealing Shop's edge? This is a very deep market in the trillions of dollars. One man's edge among a big pile of razors.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Maybe you want to emulate your lordship Shop who thinks a million is small change with his Sunnies and 10 screens running a quad core? What's with 86 Fibs level? Jason Stapleton derived Harmonic pattern special magic number or some Pyramid geometry? Sacred geometry or some brotherhood esoteric...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    "“A losing trader can do little to transform himself into a winning trader. A losing trader is not going to want to transform himself. That’s the kind of thing winning traders do" "There are old traders and there are bold traders, but there are very few old, bold traders." Ed Seykota There are...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    I was told Shop does more teaching than trading...... Fibs and trend lines? And you think the world of trading is that predictable? A bloke who thinks making a million on trading is small change would not bother with a newbie looking for esoteric tools. Have you tried Harmonic patterns? These...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    I don't need to tell folks how great a trend line is; unless of course you have turned your monitor 90 degrees sideway. There is nothing to get, if you have a system with an edge then that is all there is to it. Your mate Shop doesn't want to share his edge because he thinks a million $ is small...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    I presume you went to a Govt sponsored school. If only your parents sent you to one of the private schools where captains of Industries are developed. You pay for what you get. If you want free then Simple Ton has plenty of free stuff otherwise your other 2 mates can charge you for a premium...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Wrote down "trend line". Did a quick search then strike off as a useless set of lines. Simple Ton disagree and thinks prices behaves from curve fit trend lines. He might as well used my tried and tested tool, a coin.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Real traders get themselves up, dust off and continue. I can still send off that razor blade.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Seems a few here are doing the hating. :rolleyes:
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Be a simpleton and just react, don't predict. :rolleyes: Who ever filled you head with this junk I definitely like him on my side:oops: React don't predict, Sheesh....:rolleyes:
  15. A

    ICT Actual Case Study

    It was a good test to draw out the haters. Hind sight wisdoms LOL Maybe your mates could show you their bearish trend lines to prove their point?
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Stay away from razor blades.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Yes, back to reality. React lol.
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    You need to stop the blame game, look in the mirror. I hope Freddy is not in the background. When learning to brawl with the market don't spar with a big brute much bigger than yourself. Even the best coach can only do so much. Learn to move around, opportunistic jabs and forget the one hit...
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    ICT Actual Case Study

    Quick pull out gold exposure, The Feds is gonna manipulate it to zero OR chubby fooka Kim is gonna start nuclear war. Now where did I put my tin foil hat? Oh yes I sold it to you on eBay with your desperate bidding. What stop size did you use on those 4hour charts? 5 cents?
  20. A

    ICT Actual Case Study

    Just react and not predict? You don't need charts for that! Coin flip will do. 4 hour charts? Haha put a sack over your head.
FTMO Trader Scouting